Environmental Policies
At Chase Sensale, our principal focus is you . . . answering your questions . . . meeting your needs . . . addressing your concerns. What can a law firm do, then, to affect our future? Chase Sensale is doing it now using advanced technology and other innovations to create cleaner, more efficient legal services. We’ve compiled our own Top Ten List . . . check out these facts about the environmental impact of Chase Sensale. These facts may surprise and enlighten you.
First, and maybe most importantly, at Chase Sensale, we implemented a smart paper program. Paper accounts for more than one-third of all municipal waste – more than any other material. Offices, in the United States alone, send more than 4 million tons of paper to the landfill each year. The average office worker uses about 10,000 sheets of paper – a stack four feet high. Could Chase Sensale just as easily deal with any of our documents electronically? Although our goal is to use absolutely no paper at all, not everyone with whom we communicate has fully achieved this admittedly lofty goal. We strive to think before we print. Chase Sensale purchases only 100% recycled paper. All of the paper we do receive is scanned, shredded, and fully recycled. All the emails generated at Chase Sensale contain this friendly reminder below our firm email signature . . . Please consider the environment before printing this email. We haven’t forgotten about those pesky printer cartridges. At Chase Sensale, we use only remanufactured printer cartridges and we recycle our old ones. Visit www.greenhome.com or www.clickinks.com for a great selection of recycled office supplies, everything from recycled paper to recycled post-it notes, recycled file folders, and yes, even recycled paper clips. At Chase Sensale . . . we recycle everything! We’ve also made a concerted effort to eliminate junk mail by calling 1-888-5OPTOUT and eliminating rarely used catalogs by visiting www.abacusus.com.
Second, our office staff telecommutes to the office. More people are working from home than ever before in this country. By telecommuting, our staff members save gas, eliminate CO2 emissions, increase work flexibility, as well as increasing overall satisfaction in our careers. There are unexpected benefits from telecommuting as well . . . telecommuting saves on dry cleaning . . . and less dry cleaning is good for the planet. Dry cleaning is not only harmful to the environment, but potentially carcinogenic. If you think telecommuting can work for the job you do, prepare your case well and suggest that your employer offer a trial program. For tips on both preparing your case and presenting your proposal, visit www.quintcareers.com/telecommuting_options.html.
Third, almost all of the senior staff members drive hybrid automobiles with average mileage exceeding 40 miles per gallon! At Chase Sensale, we offer staff members financial incentives to purchase or lease hybrid automobiles. No matter what we drive, we maintain all of our vehicles so that they are running at peak efficiency by keeping our tires properly inflated, not hauling around unnecessary weight, ensuring regular tune-ups, and, of course, we try our best not to drive like maniacs. You can calculate your savings by visiting the Department of Energy’s Fuel Economy web site which shows you just how much you can save per gallon of gas by keeping your car well maintained and by driving efficiently. Visit www.fueleconomy.gov and click on “gas mileage tips.”
Fourth, we carefully monitor our phantom loads. Phantom loads, also known as, standby power, vampire power, vampire draw, or leaking electricity, refers to the electric power consumed by electronic appliances while they are switched off and/ or in a standby mode. A very common “electricity vampire” is a power adapter which has no power-off switch. Some such devices offer remote controls and digital clock features to the user, while other devices, such as power adapters for laptop computers and other electronic devices, consume power without offering any features. Believe it, because it’s true, even when you turn off appliances, including your computers, they continue to draw and waste energy. The phantom load accounts for more than 27 million tons of CO2 emissions in the United States each year, without even referencing the resources wasted in producing that wasted power. Smart power strips can be purchased at almost any hardware store or visit www.bitsltd.net to shop online.
Fifth, at Chase Sensale, we go to great lengths to green out computers. According to the Environmental protection agency, only about 5% of all computers used in the United States have their energy efficiency settings enabled. Want to accomplish this goal easily? Visit www.co2saver.snap.com to download free software called CO2 saver. This easily downloaded program manages your computer’s usage when it’s idle, saving energy and decreasing the demand on your power utility.

Sixth, at Chase Sensale, we are also firmly committed to using only compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL’s) and energy efficient appliances. CFL’s use 75% less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs and last nearly ten times longer. They may be more expensive, but the initial investment pays for itself ten times over during the lifetime of the bulb. Understand, however, these CFL’s need to be recycled so visit www.earth911.org to look for recycling options. In 2006, Americans saved enough energy by using Energy Star appliances to avoid green house emissions equivalent to those from 25 million cars . . . and also saved $144 billion on their utility bills. To get the complete low down on Energy Star appliances, savings calculators, and energy efficiency tips, visit www.energystar.gov.
Seventh, water is a great example of something that is so cheap . . . in some places, less than a penny a gallon, we often take it for granted. The really great news is that it is possible to use up to 35% less water by making some fairly simple changes to our lifestyles while also saving money. Does this sound like a great idea? For a waterfall of ideas to save water, specifically tailored to your region of the country, go to www.wateruseitwisely.com/100ways. At Chase Sensale, we employ not only Energy Star appliances to save water, but low flush toilets and low-flow showerheads, as well.
Eighth, at Chase Sensale, we’re actively investigating green sources of energy. Today, in the United States, 85% of all energy is derived from fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and gas. In additional to being nonrenewable resources, they pollute our air and lead to global warming. What are our alternatives? Visit www.eere.energy.gov/greenpower to learn of green power available to you right now, as well as their relative costs. Most renewable sources of energy have the added benefit of federal, state, and local tax credits to assist us in the transition. Visit www.dsireusa.org for more information.
Ninth, when shopping, we are often confronted with the seemingly easy quandary of paper or plastic? The only answer is neither! One of the simplest things you can do is bringing your own reusable bags to the grocery store, the hardware store, the pharmacy, etc. Did you know it is a problem of massive plastic proportions – scientists have identified a giant floating debris field, composed mostly of bits and pieces of plastic, in the northwest Pacific Ocean, about a thousand miles off the coast of California. It’s called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and it covers a vast area of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of miles of open ocean. Right now researchers are trying to learn more about the sea-bound trash zone and perhaps find answers to basic questions. Contact us at www.ChaseSensale.com for your own low cost reusable bags. All profits from the sale of these reusable bags are donated to local charities to continue in the efforts to keep our beaches clean.
Finally, we here at Chase Sensale have undertaken the herculean task of calculating our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is defined as the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product. An individual, nation, or organization’s carbon footprint is measured by undertaking a GHG emissions assessment. Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can be devised to reduce it. Carbon offsets, or the mitigation of carbon emissions through the development of alternative projects such as solar or wind energy or reforestation, represent one way of managing a carbon footprint. The concept and name of the carbon footprint originates from the ecological footprint discussion. The carbon footprint is a subset of the ecological footprint. By calculating our carbon footprint, we hope to truly gain a better understanding of just how our actions and our lifestyle actually impact our planet. In this complex world of ours, everything we do affects all of our neighbors. We recognize there are multiple areas in which we need improvement. Fortunately, we are not alone. There are other businesses, organizations, and people like you dedicated to resetting the balance and create greater harmony. We can all offset our carbon usage by visiting www.terrapass.com , a website that not only allows us to calculate our carbon footprint, but further allows us to offset them by purchasing credits.
Want to join the green community . . . to save money . . . to save humanity . . . to save the planet? When we all join together with other like-minded people, the support, the energy, and goals we share propel us to achieve the greatest success of all. This idea is essential in so many aspects of our lives, but also when it comes to going green. Harness the power, the energy, the good will and spirit of your community. Get inspiration while learning valuable lessons about the world around you. Start small by subscribing to www.idealbite.com to get your daily green tip in your inbox. Involve yourselves in green events taking place worldwide each April on Earth Day by visiting www.earthdaynetwork.org. Simply find your local posse by visiting www.meetup.com and search green living. Help Chase Sensale make a difference.
Environmental Policies
At Chase Sensale, our principal focus is you . . . answering your questions . . . meeting your needs . . . addressing your concerns. What can a law firm do, then, to affect our future? Chase Sensale is doing it now using advanced technology and other innovations to create cleaner, more efficient legal services. We’ve compiled our own Top Ten List . . . check out these facts about the environmental impact of Chase Sensale. These facts may surprise and enlighten you.
First, and maybe most importantly, at Chase Sensale, we implemented a smart paper program. Paper accounts for more than one-third of all municipal waste – more than any other material. Offices, in the United States alone, send more than 4 million tons of paper to the landfill each year. The average office worker uses about 10,000 sheets of paper – a stack four feet high. Could Chase Sensale just as easily deal with any of our documents electronically? Although our goal is to use absolutely no paper at all, not everyone with whom we communicate has fully achieved this admittedly lofty goal. We strive to think before we print. Chase Sensale purchases only 100% recycled paper. All of the paper we do receive is scanned, shredded, and fully recycled. All the emails generated at Chase Sensale contain this friendly reminder below our firm email signature . . . Please consider the environment before printing this email. We haven’t forgotten about those pesky printer cartridges. At Chase Sensale, we use only remanufactured printer cartridges and we recycle our old ones. Visit www.greenhome.com or www.clickinks.com for a great selection of recycled office supplies, everything from recycled paper to recycled post-it notes, recycled file folders, and yes, even recycled paper clips. At Chase Sensale . . . we recycle everything! We’ve also made a concerted effort to eliminate junk mail by calling 1-888-5OPTOUT and eliminating rarely used catalogs by visiting www.abacusus.com.
Second, our office staff telecommutes to the office. More people are working from home than ever before in this country. By telecommuting, our staff members save gas, eliminate CO2 emissions, increase work flexibility, as well as increasing overall satisfaction in our careers. There are unexpected benefits from telecommuting as well . . . telecommuting saves on dry cleaning . . . and less dry cleaning is good for the planet. Dry cleaning is not only harmful to the environment, but potentially carcinogenic. If you think telecommuting can work for the job you do, prepare your case well and suggest that your employer offer a trial program. For tips on both preparing your case and presenting your proposal, visit www.quintcareers.com/telecommuting_options.html.
Third, almost all of the senior staff members drive hybrid automobiles with average mileage exceeding 40 miles per gallon! At Chase Sensale, we offer staff members financial incentives to purchase or lease hybrid automobiles. No matter what we drive, we maintain all of our vehicles so that they are running at peak efficiency by keeping our tires properly inflated, not hauling around unnecessary weight, ensuring regular tune-ups, and, of course, we try our best not to drive like maniacs. You can calculate your savings by visiting the Department of Energy’s Fuel Economy web site which shows you just how much you can save per gallon of gas by keeping your car well maintained and by driving efficiently. Visit www.fueleconomy.gov and click on “gas mileage tips.”
Fourth, we carefully monitor our phantom loads. Phantom loads, also known as, standby power, vampire power, vampire draw, or leaking electricity, refers to the electric power consumed by electronic appliances while they are switched off and/ or in a standby mode. A very common “electricity vampire” is a power adapter which has no power-off switch. Some such devices offer remote controls and digital clock features to the user, while other devices, such as power adapters for laptop computers and other electronic devices, consume power without offering any features. Believe it, because it’s true, even when you turn off appliances, including your computers, they continue to draw and waste energy. The phantom load accounts for more than 27 million tons of CO2 emissions in the United States each year, without even referencing the resources wasted in producing that wasted power. Smart power strips can be purchased at almost any hardware store or visit www.bitsltd.net to shop online.
Fifth, at Chase Sensale, we go to great lengths to green out computers. According to the Environmental protection agency, only about 5% of all computers used in the United States have their energy efficiency settings enabled. Want to accomplish this goal easily? Visit www.co2saver.snap.com to download free software called CO2 saver. This easily downloaded program manages your computer’s usage when it’s idle, saving energy and decreasing the demand on your power utility.
Sixth, at Chase Sensale, we are also firmly committed to using only compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL’s) and energy efficient appliances. CFL’s use 75% less electricity than traditional incandescent bulbs and last nearly ten times longer. They may be more expensive, but the initial investment pays for itself ten times over during the lifetime of the bulb. Understand, however, these CFL’s need to be recycled so visit www.earth911.org to look for recycling options. In 2006, Americans saved enough energy by using Energy Star appliances to avoid green house emissions equivalent to those from 25 million cars . . . and also saved $144 billion on their utility bills. To get the complete low down on Energy Star appliances, savings calculators, and energy efficiency tips, visit www.energystar.gov.
Seventh, water is a great example of something that is so cheap . . . in some places, less than a penny a gallon, we often take it for granted. The really great news is that it is possible to use up to 35% less water by making some fairly simple changes to our lifestyles while also saving money. Does this sound like a great idea? For a waterfall of ideas to save water, specifically tailored to your region of the country, go to www.wateruseitwisely.com/100ways. At Chase Sensale, we employ not only Energy Star appliances to save water, but low flush toilets and low-flow showerheads, as well.
Eighth, at Chase Sensale, we’re actively investigating green sources of energy. Today, in the United States, 85% of all energy is derived from fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and gas. In additional to being nonrenewable resources, they pollute our air and lead to global warming. What are our alternatives? Visit www.eere.energy.gov/greenpower to learn of green power available to you right now, as well as their relative costs. Most renewable sources of energy have the added benefit of federal, state, and local tax credits to assist us in the transition. Visit www.dsireusa.org for more information.
Ninth, when shopping, we are often confronted with the seemingly easy quandary of paper or plastic? The only answer is neither! One of the simplest things you can do is bringing your own reusable bags to the grocery store, the hardware store, the pharmacy, etc. Did you know it is a problem of massive plastic proportions – scientists have identified a giant floating debris field, composed mostly of bits and pieces of plastic, in the northwest Pacific Ocean, about a thousand miles off the coast of California. It’s called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and it covers a vast area of hundreds, maybe even thousands, of miles of open ocean. Right now researchers are trying to learn more about the sea-bound trash zone and perhaps find answers to basic questions. Contact us at www.ChaseSensale.com for your own low cost reusable bags. All profits from the sale of these reusable bags are donated to local charities to continue in the efforts to keep our beaches clean.
Finally, we here at Chase Sensale have undertaken the herculean task of calculating our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is defined as the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product. An individual, nation, or organization’s carbon footprint is measured by undertaking a GHG emissions assessment. Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can be devised to reduce it. Carbon offsets, or the mitigation of carbon emissions through the development of alternative projects such as solar or wind energy or reforestation, represent one way of managing a carbon footprint. The concept and name of the carbon footprint originates from the ecological footprint discussion. The carbon footprint is a subset of the ecological footprint. By calculating our carbon footprint, we hope to truly gain a better understanding of just how our actions and our lifestyle actually impact our planet. In this complex world of ours, everything we do affects all of our neighbors. We recognize there are multiple areas in which we need improvement. Fortunately, we are not alone. There are other businesses, organizations, and people like you dedicated to resetting the balance and create greater harmony. We can all offset our carbon usage by visiting www.terrapass.com , a website that not only allows us to calculate our carbon footprint, but further allows us to offset them by purchasing credits.
Want to join the green community . . . to save money . . . to save humanity . . . to save the planet? When we all join together with other like-minded people, the support, the energy, and goals we share propel us to achieve the greatest success of all. This idea is essential in so many aspects of our lives, but also when it comes to going green. Harness the power, the energy, the good will and spirit of your community. Get inspiration while learning valuable lessons about the world around you. Start small by subscribing to www.idealbite.com to get your daily green tip in your inbox. Involve yourselves in green events taking place worldwide each April on Earth Day by visiting www.earthdaynetwork.org. Simply find your local posse by visiting www.meetup.com and search green living. Help Chase Sensale make a difference.